430.00 (price including 5% GST)

Dhanvantari Ayurvedic oil is a fragrant and earthy oil containing 28 herbs that are extremely helpful in promoting health, energy, and vitality. This ayurvedic oil enhances blood circulation and provides nourishment to muscles in distress. More importantly, it is a nerve tonic and is one of the prescriptions in dealing with pain relief and anti-inflammation caused for Vata disorders. Known to be used as a pain relief oil in ayurvedic practices, it contains ingredients that help in relieving muscle cramps, numbness, pain, and swelling. Dhanwantharam Thailam is an ayurvedic medicine helpful in the treatment of neurological disorders and is known to be beneficial in pacifying degenerative conditions caused by Vata and post-traumatic conditions.

Dhanvantari Ayurvedic oil is one of the oils for pain that can be helpful in the treatment of rheumatic disorders and neuromuscular conditions. It is also an analgesic and is helpful in providing relief to pain and inflammation found in joints, bones, tendons, and cartilage. It can be considered one of the best massage oils made from natural ingredients.

Dhanwantharam Thailam Ayurvedic massage oil is also a nature-derived nerve tonic that is said to be helpful in protecting the nervous systems and all its functions. It pacifies Vata aggression and is known to benefit the neurological and musculoskeletal systems. This Ayurvedic body massage oil is used to treat rheumatoid arthritis, osteoarthritis, neck pain, and backache due to spondylosis.

Dhanwantharam Oil is named after Dhanwanthari, the God of medicine. The ancient Indian scriptures mention that Danwanthari is the father of Ayurveda. He is believed to have emerged from the milky ocean carrying the nectar of immortality.

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Benefits of Dhanwantharam Thailam

Dhanvantari Ayurvedic oil is beneficial for all those who suffer from pain and inflammation due to muscle and joint-related problems. The herbal oil offers a number of benefits like:

It helps provide relief from pain that occurs due to inflammation thanks to the anti-inflammatory properties of the ingredients used in this oil

The oil is very helpful for those who suffer from arthritis, rheumatoid arthritis and osteoarthritis.

It is also helpful in the treatment of spondylosis and other conditions that occur due to neuromuscular problems.

It is beneficial for pregnant women, who face skin dryness, itchiness, pain, etc. It can be used from the seventh month of pregnancy in prenatal care and post seven days in postnatal care.

It is safe oil to massage babies. It helps in the strengthening of joints, bones and muscles and is safe on their tender skin.

It helps alleviate pain in older people suffering from joint pain, pulled muscles and other painful conditions caused by ageing and sustained stress on bones and muscles.

Vata and Kapha are two of the Doshas or functional energies of the body. Vitiation of the Vata dosha has a direct effect on joints causing pain. Kapha dosha vitiation can also cause neuromuscular disorders. This oil can help relieve vitiation in Doshas helping to treat chronic pain conditions.

The oil is useful to treat muscle cramps and swelling.

It can even be used by pregnant women. It can be massaged to provide relief from cramps and pains before delivery as well as after delivery.



  1. Can we use Dhanwantharam Thailam for the frozen shoulder?

Yes, you can. The oil can be used for muscle tension and joint pain; it’s also great for stiff shoulders and inflamed muscles. However, if discomfort still persists after using the oil, then consult with your physician immediately.

  1. How many times should it be used in a day?

You can apply Dhanwantharam Thailam once or twice a day, before having a bath. Apply the oil after warming it and use a clean cloth. Massage the affected area for thirty minutes then wash off the area with warm water.

  1. Can we use it for the Potli massage?

Yes, you can. However, the Potli massage has to be administered by an Ayurveda professional. It’s an efficient way of pacifying the Kapha dosha.

  1. Do I need to make it lukewarm before applying or should I apply it directly?

If you want to apply the oil on the affected parts and want the most benefits then its best that you heat the oil. Get it to a lukewarm temperature and use a clean cloth to apply the oil on the affected parts of the body.

  1. Can we use this oil as hair oil?

Dhanwantharam Thailam is recommended for the body, especially if you have inflamed or painful joints. However, it can be used for scalp massages that help reduce hair fall and early greying of hair.

Additional information

Weight 0.7 kg