The Foot prints matters

November 22, 2021 By Biorigin Organics Off

PDS Organic Spices is taking conscious efforts to reduce carbon foot print throughout the value chain

By adopting regenerative agriculture and modern technology in farming and its processing, PDS Organic Spices is taking conscious efforts to reduce carbon emissions each steps of the value chain, and make the farm and processing operations water and energy neutral.

Studies show that Organic farming produces fewer Greenhouse Gas emissions than conventional farming per hectare and its support the biodiversity- both intra species and interspecies diversity including the soil biodiversity- to a large extent. Also, a healthy and well managed soil emits comparatively less GHG than an unmanaged soil.

 In association with business partners, PDS Organic Spices has installed a mobile application for tits farmer community to record and monitor the carbon emission in each stage of the value chain and based on that, necessary steps has been adopting to reduce the carbon foot prints in each stage. The expert farm extension team of PDS has been giving necessary advices and technical supports to the farmers. The pooled purchase system enables to reduce the carbon footprint during the transportation.

Rain water harvesting, water recycling and well recharging systems has been installed in the farms and processing center and this conserved water is using for the farm and factory operations throughout the year, thus making the operations water neutral. Solar drying systems and on farm processing machineries are installed in the farms and processing centers, which reduces the dependency on the non-renewable energy for our operations.

The soil testing lab enables the farmers to optimize the input use and thus saves money and wastage of resources and nutrient leaching. The organic manure preparation center, R& D centre, allows us to enable our farming and processing operations more sustainable.

In short, PDS Organic Spices and its farmer group are taking continues efforts throughout the value chain to reduce the emissions in each and every stages and thus contributes to minimize the effects of climate change.

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